News Literacy
How to recognize misinformation and judge credibility


Since teenagers are one of the main consumers of internet content and consequently, misinformation, it is only evident that there should be a fact-checking source specifically for them...
Ad Fontes is a nonpartisan website and organization made with the idea that media sources can often be biased and that readers have a right to know exactly what those biases are...
Here's a guide directly from the League of Women Voters which explains everything you need to know about misinformation and disinformation as well as the differences between them...


If you want to protect yourself and others from the threat of false information, The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency or CISA has a graphic listing out the exact tactics used with the intent to disrupt your day-to-day life...
For more information and resources, you can subscribe to a weekly newsletter provided by the National Institute for Civil Discourse and the LWV on news literacy, misinformation, civil discourse, and the multitude of factors that shape our future...

Media Literacy is Desperately Needed in Classrooms Around the Country, Experts Say (The Hill)​
Detecting Bullshit - Studying the spread of misinformation should become a top scientific priority, says biologist Carl Bergstrom (Science)
How Finland Starts Its Fight Against Fake News in Primary Schools (The Guardian)
Never Say Fake News! Plus Other Advice from Taiwan on Countering Disinformation (Toronto Star)
Don’t Go Down the Rabbit Hole (The New York Times)